Traci Braxton has ‘kicked the bucket‘ at age 50. Check out 7 of Traci Braxton’s recent pictures before she died.
Which One Do You Love Best?
1. “Sometimes you just want to be Loved, appreciated, understood, spiritually and physically grounded, and emotionally stable …. And thankful for each and everyday GOD has given you,” She wrote.
2. “Happy Friday family !!! Enjoy your weekend !!!!” She wrote.
3. “I can’t THANK Everyone Enough for ALL of the Love you showed me on my Birthday I feel so blessed to reach the half-century mark…I’m 50 y’all!”, She wrote.
4. “Happy Friday !!!! Enjoy your weekend guys”, She wrote.
5. “hello iG family just want to let everybody know that I have a new Twitter page since my last one was Hacked !!!” She wrote.
6. “Hope everyone had a blessed #NewYear2021 is here .” She wrote.
7. “Happy Thanksgiving !!! to everyone and I I wish nothing but blessings and good health for your life during these trying times !!!” She wrote.