The has responded to complaints after some viewers blasted an ‘all-Brexiter audience’ in an upcoming Question Time special.
At the beginning of the month host announced the one-off show, which is set to air on Thursday June 22, will mark the seventh anniversary of the
‘We are devoting that programme to a conversation with the audience of people who took that decision, and that is leave voters,’ Fiona said at the time.
‘So seven years on, how does a cross-section of people who voted leave feel about Brexit?
‘Some may have changed their minds, some may still back their original decision. Some may be somewhere in between.’
However, a pro-EU account tweeted at the time: ‘They’re excluding anyone who voted Remain from a Question Time special on Brexit. Absolutely outrageous.’
In response to the backlash, the corporation has now said: ‘It is seven years since the nation voted in favour of Brexit. Since then, polling organisations have found that the opinions of the public have shifted from being narrowly in favour of Brexit, to the majority believing we should re-join the EU.
‘In this context, the Question Time Brexit Special will explore the views of our audience and public attitudes towards Brexit, specifically from the Vote Leave perspective. From within those who voted to leave, there will be a range of views.’
They went on to add: ‘We will explore how leave voters now feel about how Brexit is going, what they see as the successes and failures, and what, if anything, the government or opposition might do differently.
‘As always, the chair will host a robust debate between panellists and audience members. While the panel is yet to be confirmed, it will include both leavers and remainers. Question Time often hosts specials dedicated to discussing a particular topic that is at the top of news agenda, and has regularly heard the views of both sides of the Brexit debate over the years.’
The special Brexit Question Time will be filmed in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex.
Every district in Essex voted to leave the EU, with four in five voters turning out to take part in the poll.