Clearly when and decide to go to a farmer’s market, they do it in style.
The newlyweds rocked up in the £350,000 electric blue vintage convertible Jaguar that’s thought to have been from David and .
Brooklyn, 23, drove, with his wife in the passenger seat as they couple headed out in Las Angeles on Sunday.
Donning a white sundress and black sandals, Nicola, 27, looked as chic as ever, picking up a baguette from the market.
Brooklyn, who wore all white with some sunnies, clutched a bag groceries in his hand.
Safe to say it doesn’t look like the worst way to spend a Sunday.

The couple are back in LA after heading to London and taking in the essential sights…
It’s the last place you’d expect to see one of the most famous couples in the world – which may have been the point, as it’s unlikely any customers would have believed they were watching Brooklyn and Nicola sink £3 pints in the popular chain.

The multi-millionaires were in Miami last month, with David and ’s first-born tying the knot with billionaire heiress Nicola.
Featuring a star-studded guestlist, the wedding is believed to have cost , but it seems the newly-married couple decided to take a on their trip to .
took to Instagram this week where they shared sweet snaps of their trip, including one of the new Mrs Peltz-Beckham being carried on her husband’s shoulders on the streets of the capital.
This trip is the first Brooklyn and Nicola have taken abroad as a married couple, but were recently seen enjoying a romantic dinner in Miami.
Brooklyn and Nicola have planned a long, romantic trip to Europe for their honeymoon, but haven’t been able to go just yet due to.