So recently, famous actor Jay Randhawa announced on his social media found that he is going to play the role of popular Gangster of Madhya Pradesh Durlabh Kashyap in a biopic movie. everyone is really excited about the new film and fans will be able to see him after a long time. But online users want to know who is this gangster and why Randhawa is playing the role of this criminal. According to some reliable sources recently, he was murdered due to animosity. He turned into a Gangster at a very young age about it when he was 16 years old. Stay tuned to our website for more latest updates!!!
Who Is Durlabh Kashyap?
He was assaulted by several individuals at around 2 p.m. And firing could be heard. He was born on 8 November 2020 in Ujjain. He was a murdered on 6 September 2020. Media sites reported his death and everybody was really shocked the how he died as he was one of the most fearful and frightening gangsters of Central India. It was a later reported by the local authorities that he was found drinking and sum of individual stabbed him in a gang war. Later he was immediately taken to the hospital by his friends and family but they could not save his life. He was son of a former teacher working in Ujjain and later the family shifted to Indore.
Durlabh Kashyap: Age, Death Reason
It is still unclear that why he joined the criminal world. According to some media reports he killed more than 50 individuals during his lifetime. He played a significant role in the formation of the gang and they stole and murdered people. He also threatened the the citizens regarding their properties and wealth. Police never arrested him and could not catch him. He always depicted the failure of local police department and how they were helpless against him.
Durlabh Kashyap: Wikipedia
Later a lot of other documents and evidence of was found at his house. Some really shocking facts revealed about him by his family and close relatives. He was a really impressive child and promoted communalism. He was a really extremist personality. He really like the traditional dresses and always promoted them. We could not find any Wikipedia page for social media account related to him. Now Maneesh Bhatt is making a biopic movie about him and everybody is really excited to know about history. We will be back with some more information regarding this film so tilden stated with our website.