The Thursday letters page has more recommendations for buying a pre-built £2,000 PC, as one reader asks if he should play Bloodborne’s DLC.
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I know that I know nothing
So, I can’t help but notice that we still haven’t had any GTA 6 news lately and despite years of leaks and rumours we still don’t really know anything about the game. As far as I understand it, the only things close to accepted knowledge are that the game won’t be out until 2024 or 2025 and that it will probably feature Vice City as one of multiple cities. Even those scraps don’t seem like anything you’d take to the bank though, so I feel safe in saying that we don’t really know anything.
When trying to imagine what Rockstar’s game plan might be, the thing that struck me is that absolutely nobody seems to be talking about the next gen versions of GTA 5. I genuinely forgot for a moment that they even exist and when I remembered I realised what a missed opportunity they were. They basically did nothing to improve the game, which makes me wonder if Rockstar don’t really see it as necessary to extend its life and that actually GTA 6 might be out sooner than we think.
Between the broken remasters and the lack of hype over next gen GTA 5 it’s been an unusually bad time for Rockstar, who usually like to paint themselves as an unstoppable monster. They still are in terms of sales, I imagine, but I think it’s now in their best interests to reveal GTA 6 sooner rather than later. Maybe this year via Microsoft or Sony? If one of them got some kind of exclusivity that would be a major weapon in their console wars…
Not actual gameplay
I feel Microsoft are going to try and pull out all the stops for their E3 showcase this year. It’s obvious given how early they announced it, probably months before any other company. It’s funny that Microsoft and Sony have basically swapped positions when it comes to announcing games. Sony used to be famous for revealing them years before they were out, with just a pre-rendered trailer, and now that’s exactly what Microsoft.
But Sony hasn’t done that with anything in ages, except the two Insomniac Marvel games. We don’t know what they might be planning. What I wonder though is if they’re saving up their reveals so they can do a mega blitz E3/State of Play event and try to beat Microsoft that way.
I doubt either has much due out this year so it’s basically a battle of the CGI trailers, which isn’t ideal but at least it’ll give us something to look forward to.
Oh, I can’t wait… hee hee…
All the talk about Bloodborne has reminded me that I didn’t play the DLC. I got the platinum for the main game (my proudest (only) gaming achievement!) but then had traded it in before the DLC came out. Later, I bought both the main game and DLC in Sony’s sales but only had one brief look when I remembered how much I had forgotten.
So my question is about the DLC, how does it stand up against the main game and can I get some informed opinions on whether I should now just wait for a remaster for the whole thing? Are there performance issues with the original game on PlayStation 5? I don’t remember it looking at all bad so what are people hoping for from a remaster? Thanks for any help!
GC: The , as always tends to be the case with From. There is no PlayStation 5 patch for Bloodborne, although load times are naturally increased.
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Classic hopes
Patiently waiting to see what games will be available on the new PlayStation monthly service and trying not to get overexcited before being inevitably let down.
Personally hoping for the Suidoken series and Final Fantasy 13, but knowing I’ll be left with a bunch of games I have no intention of playing.
Michael, Crawley
Hello Neighbour
It’s a wrong to say that you can’t have surround sound in a flat. I live in a small block of flats, and I have full fat 5.1 surround sound. It’s not all about the volume it’s about getting excellent sound reproduction. For example, when someone stands in a hall and talks on a mic it is incredibly immersive.
I’m currently watching Prime and have my volume set at 20 (it’s currently 3.45am and bothers no one, if it was I’d receive a complaint) which is giving me a good level of detail and involvement.
I’ve had this flexible set-up in my flat since I first moved in over 16 years ago (and have been upgrading when I feel the need). I haven’t had a single complaint yet. It’s all about using it sensibly and responsibly. It’s usually Saturday night when I put a film on and turn the volume up to around 30 or more depending on the production of the film. It doesn’t have to be expensive either there is something for every budget and gaming has never sounded better.
No worries
Regarding the worries Trisco has for the Zelda: Breath Of The Wild sequel, I can’t say I understand the justification for them. Nintendo have long proven to be wizards at squeezing the most out of their own hardware, particularly as the console ages. Add to that, Monolith’s extraordinary ability to create worlds and the Zelda team’s notorious addiction to attention to detail, I just don’t understand the concerns.
The game might be using the original’s base architecture but it’s being built specifically for Switch and the only performance issue I can remember from Breath Of The Wild was in Korok Forest. As for graphics… well, they answered their own question, but personally the only thing I’d want to see less than Nintendo attempting to re-enter the console power arms race is an Elden Ring looking Zelda (or, frankly, any Nintendo first party property).
I think the delay is purely down to the game becoming something more than they originally envisioned, à la Super Mario Galaxy 2, and they want time to make it what they want it to be. I dunno, I was lucky enough to get a PlayStation 5 at launch but I’ve put significantly more play time into my Switch since. I haven’t seen anything that makes me think they need to release a new model/console that splits the large fanbase they’ve carved out for themselves with Switch OG.
Not a fan
In response to Geoff who’s looking to get a new gaming PC; for £2,000 I’d be looking to get something with a high-end GPU. I’ve never used the company but in the current market. I think you’d struggle to source the parts and build it yourself for the same money.
I’m no fan of the gaudy coloured fans which seem to plague many gaming PCs these days, but at least you can customise it to make it look a little classier.
Long term problems
My goodness, how good is Elden Ring? Stunning, deep, complex and beguiling. It has now been elevated into my pantheon of all-time favourite games.
A little prediction though if you will all humour me.
I do not think a sequel will be as successful. Firstly, let me give some context to that statement. I am a 46-year-old business owner with no children and a considerable amount of time I can dedicate to my beloved gaming hobby. Not bragging, it’s just how things turned out. To date I have now played Elden Ring daily to accumulate a 180 hours play and attained a 118 level. I know others will be considerably further ahead but I’m pretty chuffed with my achievement.
I am now spending the final parts of the game with my MacBook sat on one side, my Xbox controller on the other whilst utilising every guide I can find to gain even the smallest advantage. Why did no-one tell me about the bewitching branch!?
So why do I feel the sequel will not do as well? I feel all the hype surrounding its difficulty encouraged people that had never played a From game to try it. Almost in a morbid curiosity way. I have now read so many articles, blogs and letters where I am hearing the same comments ‘I love it, I can see what a great game it is, but it is just not for me’.
I don’t think these same people would buy a sequel or even attempt another From game. That isn’t to say that future games will not be amazing and do very well, I just do not feel they will attain the same amazing returns that Elden Ring has.
GC: You may be right, but we doubt that’ll be an issue for at least five years or so.
Inbox also-rans
When can we expect your Evil Dead: The Game review?
LoRd SiNn
GC: We haven’t had a review copy in yet and as a primarily multiplayer game we’re not sure if a review before launch is feasible.
I don’t get why Valve would cancel just because it was overrunning. Even in 2007, Valve must’ve been filthy rich. You’re right, they are an odd company.
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Malam, who asks what is your favourite video game weapon?
It can be anything from a gun in a first person shooter to a favoured sword in a role-playing game, but which have you enjoyed using the most and why? Is it simply because of how the weapon looks or feels or is there a story element to it that makes it a favourite – or perhaps the fact that you spent a large part of the game upgrading it?
What’s the most original or strange weapon you’ve ever used in a video game, and which has been the most annoying or useless?
E-mail your comments to: [email protected]
The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.
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