The Monday letters page thinks there should be more family friendly video games, as one reader doubts there’ll be a F-Zero comeback.
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True to form
I love that EA has got themselves into such a mess over their that they had the director of God Of War berating them, not to mention the boss of their own Respawn studio! It’s even funnier given they were trying to be hip with the kids by carrying on a meme.
I do feel sorry for whatever low level schlub actually wrote the tweet though and how they just automatically connected EA with not liking single-player games. What can you really except given how often EA has talked them down? Even though two of its biggest upcoming games – Jedi: Survivor and the Dead Space remake – have no multiplayer at all.
Single-player will always be under threat as long as multiplayer is more profitable but at the moment things seem to be going pretty well. At the moment, my main concern is actually Sony, not EA, and their pivot towards live service games. We’ll see what they’re like but if they turn The Last Of Us multiplayer game into a mess of microtransactions that’ll be quite the comedown from all the critical acclaim they’re getting right now.
Ask a silly question
Full marks to that just to ask a pointless question. He does still have stock in Nintendo though, which is probably going to go up sooner or later, but I’d love to know what he thought they were going to say. Did he imagine they were just going to admit a new game out of the blue? Nintendo, of all companies?!
I guess maybe his idea was just to let them know that there was still interest in the franchise, and the other ones he mentioned (whatever they were, I’d never heard of most of them). I can’t imagine they don’t know though. They actually went to quite a bit of trouble to pay homage to it in F-Zero and I think it’s pretty obvious that the only problem is that the games just don’t sell enough for any more.
That said, if they do release a new game… that guy is going to take all the credit, and fair play to him.
Be happy
I’m not too bothered about there not being a new Sly Cooper or inFamous but I hope that Sony make an effort to produce more family friendly games, or even just something with a happy atmosphere. All these ultra grim third person adventures are getting a bit too much for me. They might not have been true classics but I miss the days of Jak And Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ape Escape, and PaRappa The Rapper.
Nowadays the only one that’s still going is Ratchet & Clank and, I guess, Astro Bot. Although I’d assume the next one for him will be a VR game. I understand the last one was really good but I’d still rather have a full length game equivalent to Astro Bot’s Playroom, which I thought was great.
When Nintendo are the longest running company in the industry you’d think more publishers would realise that family friendly is a bit more important than just one or two games a generation.
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Breaking up the band
Sad to hear that the head writer of Guardians Of The Galaxy has . I never thought we’d get a sequel to the game, given the cost of the licence, but I did hope they’d do something similar. Now though, there is no ‘they’ and I’m sure many of the others on the team have also, or are planning, to move on.
It makes you realise that when fans ask for sequels to games after a long wait it’s never usually going to be made by the same people. And even if it is, their heads are going to be a in a very different space than 10 or 20 years ago. Oh well, at least this hopefully means the new BioWare games will be good.
I have also always wondered why there hasn’t been more connected universes in games and why in particular there hasn’t been one for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
However, it will be interesting to see if this changes with the Wolverine game Insomniac are making and whether it will tie-in, in anyway, with their Spider-Man game.
Angry_Kurt (Twitter)
Now playing: F1 22 (Xbox Series X) and Kirby And The Forgotten Land (Switch)
GC: That will be interesting to see, although Sony already had the opportunity with the Iron Man VR game and didn’t take it.
Pointless information
It really is sad to see so many developers, like the Monkey Island guy and the God Of War team, getting abuse from so-called fans. I mean, they call themselves fans, I assume, but I certainly wouldn’t. They’re just bullies and yobs as far as I’m concerned. And so entitled it’s well beyond the point of parody.
I have to admit I find the Return To Monkey Island artwork pretty ugly, but so what? I’ll either put up with it or I won’t buy it. The world will not have ended either way. Knowing PC owners there’ll be a mod soon enough that’ll change the graphics anyway. Although I’m not really sure what they want. Sprites like the first two games? Animated like the third one? I don’t know that either of those are necessarily going to work that well today.
As for the God Of War issue, these people aren’t even upset about something in the game, just that Sony won’t say when it’s out. When do you think it’s going to be out? It’ll be October or November and I don’t see what difference it makes when, at this point, given they keep saying it’s not delayed. If one of these developers had blurted out November 18th would that really have meant anything important, except that an innocent person had been harassed?
Feel free to ignore
Just bought into the new PlayStation Plus membership, took my chances with the Premium tier. I have to say I’m impressed, not because of the selection of games on offer but because it suits my appetite for dropping games I don’t enjoy and feeling guilty for forking out over £50 at first release.
I still think Sony need to do a better job at making available more of their PlayStation 1 – 3 titles. Some real gems in there.
Custom view
Regarding Yureon’s letter and console dashboards I find that the Xbox Series X/S dashboard offers me pretty much everything I need in a convenient and logically laid out style. Coming from Xbox One S last gen, knowing that the Xbox Series X/S dashboard would be the same helped inform my purchased choice of a Series X (and a Series S to game at my partner’s house).
I have 270 games spread across various internal and external drives on my Xbox Series X. At the top of my games list is a filter. By default, these games are organised alphabetically and there is the option to change tile size, all console types, number of players, genre, and storage. I can also group by letter, file size, and last used, etc. There are further options when you go under each individual game and press the menu button.
I also have five groups of games organised in different categories that I have created including pins, Game Pass titles, fighting games, and retro, etc. The home screen can be further customised by using the View button and everything placed where I want. Everything is fast and responsive. I personally find it all very intuitive and don’t really understand the complaints levelled against it.

Inbox also-rans
If you are an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriber, in the perks is a 30 day trail for Paramount+. Plenty of time to watch Halo. All the best.
I’m always amazed what games it is people get hyped up about. I’d completely forgotten inFamous even existed and now I find out there’s enough people demanding a sequel that the developer had to make a statement about it.
This week’s Hot Topic
Since we’ve just passed the halfway mark of the year this weekend’s Inbox will act as a half-year report and ask what is your favourite game of 2022 so far?
It has to be a game released for the first time this year – so not just whatever you happened to have played from your backlog – but which was your favourite and why? What do you think of 2022 so far for games and how have you felt about the relative lack of new titles, and previews, recently?
What are you most looking forward to in the second half of 2022 and how bothered are you by the smaller number of releases, compared to previous years?
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