Katie Price embarked on n**ed.n**ed car journey to have sex in iconic National Trust spot and this is wild
Posted by  badge Boss on Aug 03, 2023 - 02:16PM
Katie Price officially has the wildest sex story ever (Picture: Getty Images/@katieprice/Instagram)

has divulged .

told a sex story to beat all sex stories on the latest episode of her , while chatting to her sister Sophie Price.

Even Katie’s 33-year-old sister looked gobsmacked to find out about Katie’s wild sex adventure in the South Downs.

‘I suppose the Devil’s Dyke thing was a bit exciting,’ said Katie on , referring to the V-shaped dry valley in Sussex, managed by the National Trust.

‘There was a couple. I was with a couple and I was with a boyfriend,’ began Katie, before Sophie – speaking for the people – interrupted and asked: ‘Please don’t tell me swingers or anything like that.’

‘No, not swinging. But we just thought it would be funny to get in the car naked and drive up to the Devil’s Dyke and have sex,’ Katie said casually. As you do.

Katie is actually hilarious (Picture: Katie Price/The Katie Price Show)
Even Katie’s sister Sophie seemed genuinely gobsmacked as she erupted into laughter at the tale (Picture: Katie Price/The Katie Price Show)

‘Not with each other, with our own partners,’ the mum-of-five added.

But it wasn’t the al-fresco bonking that is the true star of the show, but, as Katie admitted, the bizarre situation of travelling across the English countryside in a car, er, totally naked.

‘We knew if we got caught we’d be in trouble, but what was so funny was getting out of the house naked,’ .

‘Just imagine, just sitting in the car naked. Just in a normal road naked. You’re all naked in the car like, “What the f***?”‘

What the f*** indeed, Katie.

Katie’s fans were loving this episode of her very frank podcast (Picture: Dave Hogan/Hogan Media Ltd/Shutterstock)

Ever the icon, fans were loving the wild tale, as one said: ‘Hilarious ? get back on tv Katie want to see you on our screens again x.’

Another applauded Katie’s podcast, as they wrote: ‘Loving your poddy Kate, plus listening to you and you sister is sooooo refreshing and I absolutely love it. Hugs from Australia ???’

‘KP! Loving the content from afar!’ chimed in another.

This comes after – and then boyfriend, and then ex (we can’t really keep up) – Carl Woods earlier this week.

The model and the 34-year-old car salesman have been on and off since they started dating in June 2020.