has lifted the lid on what her and her husband get up to in the bedroom… oo-er!
The radio presenter, 43, having tied the knot after seven years together.
Chatting on with co-presenter JK, Kelly tackled the age-old stat claiming that couples who wear nothing in bed are happier in their relationships.
The model had her fellow host in stitches when she revealed that her husband Jeremy needs to feel ‘contained’ in bed.
‘Do you want a happy marriage, do you?’, JK quizzed.
‘Yes, of course,’ Kelly replied.
‘I think I do have a happy marriage and I think the reason is, I sleep in the nude,’ she giggled.
‘That’s what it says, if you don’t wear pyjamas, you’re gonna have a happy marriage, ‘Those who wear nothing in bed are happier in their relationships”, it’s a stat and it’s a fact!’
The presenter went on to clarify that she does, indeed, wear ‘zilch’ while sleeping.
Clearly not a fan of sleeping nude, JK argued: ‘I’ve gotta be contained.’
Spilling the beans on Kelly laughed: ‘Jeremy’s the same, he has to be contained!’
Kelly then dished on Jeremy’s latest back X-ray, which JK joked he’s unable to ‘unsee’.
‘Jeremy had an X-ray, let’s put it this way, when the doctor put it up on that light box no-one was looking at his back,’ Kelly explained.
We hope Jeremy wasn’t listening!
Kelly then revealed that she’s been left baffled when brands have sent her free nightwear in the past.
‘Sometimes companies are really kind and they send me things in the post and sometimes I get sent nighties, I got sent one… I didn’t know what to do with it!’, she giggled.
JK then referenced Kelly’s appearance in an old TV favourite.
‘I bet that was the kind of thing you wore in Midsomer Murders,’ he quipped, as Kelly starred in the episode Death Do Us Part.
JK concluded: ‘So, we should have happier marriages in this sort of weather, in summer, ‘cause we’re not wearing anything anyway so are we naturally happier because we’re not wearing anything.’
‘I know, it’s a shame,’ Kelly agreed. ‘I don’t know why we cover up so much, I feel like we should be more free, don’t you, we should have a Come To Work Naked for a day?’
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