didn’t even hesitate for a second after Erykah Badu revealed that she had a slight accident in her Skims, and promptly offered to send her another set.
The Next Lifetime singer took to Twitter to let her fans know just how comfortable the 41-year-old’s clothes are.
In fact, getting totally honest, she claimed to have ‘peed through’ her pants as she forgot she was wearing them.
We can honestly confirm that we don’t relate…
‘Just peed thru my @skims panties cause o forgot I was wearing any,’ the 51-year-old announced out of nowhere to her 2.7million followers on Thursday.
‘No cap. So comfy. Y’all tell Kim. Do I have a law suit! Lol.’

While she may not have a case to get her lawyers involved in, the musician did catch the eye of Kim, who came through like a pro.
‘It’s actually the biggest customer complaint J/K LOL I got you Queen,’ she jokingly replied.
‘I’m sending you fresh new @skims ASAP!!!’
Maybe they should work on an upcoming collab…
Kim recently made headlines as the new episode of the Kardashians landed on Hulu this week, .
The reality star has been working hard to launch a law career over the last few years but has stalled over the baby bar exam, failing it three times.
Speaking to the camera about the tough test, she revealed that she had one more chance to get through it, or would be forced to rethink her legal career.
But it turns out that fourth time is a charm for the wannabe lawyer as she sat it again at the end of last year and managed a passing grade.

Cameras for The Kardashians were on hand to capture the moment Kim learned of the results, and it was slightly less glamorous than we were expecting.
The mom-of-four could be seen walking out of Red Lobster and sitting in her car to check the results, joined by North and a pal.
‘I go in the car because if I’m upset I don’t want to have everyone stare,’ she said.
‘You are only allowed to take the baby bar a certain amount of times. This was the last time I could ever take it, so if I don’t [pass] then this law school journey is over for me.’
A painful few seconds went by, after which Kim screamed: ‘I passed!’
‘Is this real?,’ she questioned, before becoming emotional: ‘I’m so happy. I literally didn’t think I did.’
Speaking to a professor over FaceTime, she added: ‘I’m at Red Lobster! North won her first basketball game ever and we came to Red Lobster and I’m in the car.’
Celebs… They’re just like us…