Streamer PointCrow has unveiled a multiplayer mod for Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, one that anyone will be able to play.
Normally, you play alone. Outside of villages and their helpful residents, Link spends most of his journey in isolation, fending off the dangers of Hyrule on his own.
If you ever wished you could have a bit more company on your adventure, you’ll be pleased to hear that a multiplayer mode is coming to the game. Not officially, mind you, but as a mod.
streamer Eric ‘PointCrow’ Morino unveiled the mod during a recent stream as a surprise, adding that it will release this summer. , PointCrow offered $10,000 (roughly £7,630) to anyone who could help create the mod.
The aim was to have it support at least two people and provide access to the full map. Judging by his teaser, at least three players can feasibly explore Hyrule together.
Speaking with , PointCrow provided a few extra details, namely that you can go anywhere in the game and it runs at 28 frames per second (the original game runs at 30fps). Some aspects require further polishing, such as Link’s Cryonis rune that lets him form blocks of ice, but it’s otherwise functional at the moment.
While the mod will only be available for PointCrow to begin with, the plan is to make it publicly available for free once he has ‘sufficiently made enough content surrounding it.’
Hopefully, that won’t be too long, especially since says that PointCrow will only have exclusive access for one or two weeks. PointCrow also said that he has been paying his developers fair wages for their time.
Even though its release is a way off, downloading and installing it probably won’t be simple and will require you to have a modded Nintendo Switch of your own or access to emulation software on your PC.
Exactly how this is going to work hasn’t been detailed yet, nor does anyone involved seemed to have considered what Nintendo will do when they find out about it (what they’ll do, is almost certainly shut it down).
If you are able to access it, it could make for a fun experience to help tide things over until Nintendo releases the actual sequel to Breath Of The Wild. Recently, Nintendo admitted that it would be .
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild is available on Nintendo Switch.
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