A reader comes up with multiple suggestion of how to bring back Dino Crisis and they all revolve around Capcom company crossovers.
I feel I am speaking to a sympathetic audience when I say I wish would bring back . It has become a running joke on this site that there are not enough in and while it is a joke I feel it’s also true. Jurassic World movies don’t end up making $1 billion every time, despite being terrible, because people are tuning in for the script and characters.
Why there aren’t more dinosaurs in general in games I don’t know but Capcom’s attitude is particularly weird because they have Dino Crisis right there – a beloved game, very similar in style and tone to (and by the same director). They’ve also seen great success with their Resident Evil remakes and yet are now running out of games to remake, but they refuse to do the obvious and make Dino Crisis next.
That is the obvious thing to do but if that doesn’t tempt them, I do have another suggestion: a crossover game. The Capcom equivalent of Kingdom Hearts but where the world of Dino Crisis can intermingle with , Resident Evil, Breath Of Fire, and everything else that makes sense (and those that don’t).
First off, I’d say that it would be the simplest thing in the world to say that Dino Crisis and Resident Evil are set in the same universe. There’s been talk of Easter eggs suggesting this over the years, but I don’t believe any of them have been proven as intentional. But really, if you’re worried a Dino Crisis remake won’t be successful just confirm it’s in the Resi universe and you’ve got an instant selling point right there.
Ignoring that though my influences here, other than Kingdom Hearts itself, is Marvel Vs. Capcom and . I think everyone would agree that Capcom has the best portfolio of classic franchises outside of Nintendo, superior even to Sega. If they had ever wanted to, they could have easily made their own console and populated it with their own games, just like Nintendo.
I love the Marvel Vs. Capcom franchise, not because I have any deep interest in Marvel, but because I love seeing all the weird cameos and interactions from classic Capcom characters. I would love a Capcom vs. Capcom game even more than Marvel Vs. Capcom 4, but I don’t see much chance of that happening. A new Marvel Vs. Capcom does seem possible though, especially after the , so I’ll be fine with that.
Project X Zone is not something most people have heard of for the good reason that it’s not very good, but it is much closer to my idea. The game’s predecessor was Namco X Capcom on the PlayStation 2, which unfortunately was also not very good. The games are tactical role-players but they’re very boring in terms of both story and gameplay, despite having characters from Capcom, Namco, and Sega in it.
So you can see my idea is not completely crazy, things like it have been attempted before, they just haven’t been executed well. What I suggest is a sort of shared Capcom universe where different characters and franchises can interact in an action role-playing game similar to Kingdom Hearts. Although in my imagination it’d have a really good script and the gameplay would be fun.
I do not say this for the sake of fan service though, which is where Project X Zone went wrong. I say this as a way to reintroduce people to classic Capcom franchises and to make people that have never even played them before want a new game. I feel this did happen to a degree with Marvel Vs. Capcom but not only have we not had a new one for ages but fighting games aren’t necessarily that popular with everyone.
Anyone can enjoy a good action role-player though, especially nowadays, and because they’re partially story-based you can explain who all these whacky characters are and where they come from. I know it’s not going to happen (I’ve always wanted Nintendo to do something similar too) but I’m just putting it out there as an idea. Then once they’ve brought back Dino Crisis they can do Ghosts ‘N Goblins next…
By reader Gannet
The reader’s features do not necessarily represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.
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