star Nick Kyrgios has a bit of a rebellious reputation after last year’s final but we’re not sure if his new tattoo helps or hinders that image.
Nick was notably missing from Wimbledon this year after his facing off against in last year’s men’s singles final, during which he
This year he had to before the tennis competition began after he in his wrist.
The 28-year-old has wowed fans off the court as he unveiled a mammoth piece of artwork which covers his entire back.
His new tattoo shows off some of the most loved characters from the much-loved Japanese anime and game series, .
The Australian player shared his ink with fans, revealing five artists worked on the piece at once and laid down the line work in one hour.
The tat features nine Pokemon from generation one, which offered players 150 creatures to find in the original Red and Green games.
Nick chose some powerful and popular Pokemon, including Dragonite, Lapras, Alakazam, Gengar, Snorlax, and Gyarados.
The artists managed to start work on shading after an hour but it’s unknown if the tennis star is planning for this to be a full colour piece or black and white.
The Lapras in the top right appears to have some colour to it’s head, however, it looks purple rather than the usual blue suggesting Nick is opting for rare shiny versions of his chosen Pokemon.
Shinies are extremely uncommon in all versions of the games, identifiable by their alternative coloured bodies.
To the right of the mammoth ink was the legendary Mewtwo, seen most recently in the Detective Pikachu film.
At the start of every game players choose one of three ‘starter’ Pokemon, which are always water, fire, and grass types.
It seems like Nick couldn’t pick just one as his inking features fan favourite Charizard, final evolution of fire type Charmander near his left shoulder.
Taking centre stage was Blastoise, the final evolutoin for water starter Squirtle, with it’s namesake blasters firing, ready for battle.
Sorry to the grass starter Bulbasaur, it seems the tennis star did not choose you.