Nolan Sisters icon ‘doesn’t know if she’ll see next Christmas’ in heartbreaking cancer update
Posted by  badge Boss on Nov 28, 2023 - 06:01PM
Linda Nolan fears she might not see another Christmas (Picture: Getty)

has shared a heart-breaking update on her health after being diagnosed with brain cancer.

The was diagnosed with in 2006, followed by a secondary cancer which had spread to her hip.

In March of this year, she .

While Linda and try and remain positive using their close bonds and humour,, and in a new interview revealed she sometimes ‘slides down the wall and cry my eyes out because I’m having a bad day.’

However she makes an effort to each day think ‘it’s another day to enjoy, not it’s another day closer.’

She told Woman magazine this Christmas is set to be ‘extra special, because I don’t know if I’ll see it next year.

Linda is determined to make Christmas ‘extra special’ as she spends time with family, including sister Coleen Nolan of Loose Women (Picture: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
The star can have down days but generally tries to stay positive (Picture: WireImage)

‘So definitely everything is more poignant … it’s important now for me to make memories and to enjoy the time I’ve got left.’

The family have been hit with multiple tragedies, with Linda’s husband Brian dying from skin cancer in 2007, and her husband Bernie Nolan dying from breast cancer in 2013.

Earlier this year, Linda’s sister and Loose Women star Coleen Nolan revealed she had carcinoma and melanoma after going to the doctor for ‘tiny patches’ on her skin she initially thought were eczema.

But after an outpouring of love and support, she told she was ’embarrassed’ because it was ‘nothing’ to what Linda was going through.

Linda also lost her husband Brian to cancer in 2007 (Picture: Mirrorpix via Getty Images)

‘My sister now can’t walk, she’s in a wheelchair, but she still goes out for lunch every day. If she’s invited anywhere, she goes,’ Coleen said.

‘I have since found out that more often than not she goes to bed and sobs because she’s scared to death of dying. And she’s not ready to, she doesn’t want to. And I had never heard that before.

‘So that was upsetting, but it’s understandable – you have to have those moments as well.’

In April, Linda told The Mirror she had picked a coffin for herself as she said she and her family were preparing for the ‘inevitable’.

But in her notable good humour, she added it was bright pink and glittery, because she’s the ‘bling Nolan’.

Macmillan cancer support

If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Macmillan can offer support and information.

You can contact their helpline on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week from 8am to 8pm), use their , or for more information.