star has revealed he actually wanted to go for quite a different look for his .
The actor is taking on the role of the fifth Targaryen King of Westeros, in the Game of Thrones prequel set 200 years before the world of Jon Stark and Danaerys Targaryan.
While the Targaryans are known for their long blonde locks, Paddy was initially hesitant about donning the elaborate wig his character needs.
‘It’s a massive signature,’ Paddy shared.
‘Early on, when I first got cast, I thought I’m going to look ridiculous. I’m going to look like I’m in an 80s hair metal band.’
He continued to : ‘I tried to get out of it and say “What if he’s different, and he’s got his shaved hair, and he’s trying to make it all cool.”
‘[They said] “No, you’re not getting out of it.”‘

The star added: ‘But the process of the hair is a massive thing. Because they have swatches of hair, they hold them up to you, they’ve got to get the tone.
‘Otherwise it looks green, or it looks too yellow. I didn’t realise it was such a big deal. And they’re so expensive, those wigs cost thousands of pounds.’
The wig isn’t exactly something you’d associate with Paddy, and so it’s no wonder the Burton-born actor had to spend two hours in make-up every morning getting his wig applied.

: ‘I didn’t think it would work. I look stupid in wigs. I’ve got a funny face that if you put a moustache on it, it changes everything.
‘I was a bit worried they’d take one look at me in this wig and go, “Oh God I’m not sure about him. He looks weird.” But I think it looks great. My wig is like made out of the same tonal palette as Daenerys []. That was my little link to her.’
He was even told he had some low-key bragging rights over his fellow Targaryens. ‘I think mine was the most expensive wig,’ he laughs. ‘That’s what I was told anyway. But it didn’t bother me. I had a good laugh. I thought I looked a bit like Dee Snider out of Twisted Sister!’
House of the Dragon next airs on Monday at 2am on Sky Atlantic and NOW.