Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter Aimee escapes recording studio fire in which one person died
Posted by  badge Boss on May 21, 2022 - 07:56AM
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter escaped a deadly fire in LA (Picture:REX/Getty/Splash News)

Sharon Osbourne has revealed her and Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter Aimee was involved in a fire in a recording studio this week. 

A recording studio in Los Angeles caught ablaze on Thursday while Aimee and a record producer were inside, but the pair both managed to escape. 

Aimee and the producer were both treated for smoke inhalation, but it was later discovered that another male, who has not yet been named, died in the fire, which took 78 firefighters nearly an hour to get under control according to reports. 

’s terrifying near-miss on Instagram, writing: ‘Today my daughter was working in a recording studio at this building with her producer. 

‘They are the lucky two that made it out alive. It is utterly heartbreaking that someone lost their life today in this fire & we are sending our prayers to this person & their family. 

‘What happened today was beyond horrific. I really hope moving forward that buildings like this are better regulated for fire safety.’

One man was killed in the blaze at a recording studio, which Aimee and her producer managed to escape (Picture: LionsShareNews / BACKGRID)
The survivors were treated for smoke inhalation after the blaze (Picture:

She added: ‘This building was a creative hub for music in Hollywood, a space that should have been regulated for fire code. 

‘Producers, musicians, mixers & artists also lost all of their equipment. Once again, our prayers go out to the family and friends of the person that lost their life to this senseless fire.’

Sharon shared Aimee’s lucky escape with her followers (Picture:@SharonOsbourne/Instagram)
She had been alerted to the blaze by a man shouting up to the window (Picture:@SharonOsbourne/Instagram)
Sharon shared her condolences for the man who did not make it out alive (Picture: Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock)

Sharon also shared a comment from a follower which read: ‘She asked my husband to catch her so she can jump out of the second floor window after he was yelling letting everyone in the building know. 

‘Glad she didn’t have to and she was ok. I’m still here right now, hoping I can salvage our studio equipment.’

Sharon responded to the comment, adding on her story: ‘THANK YOU, your husband alerting her literally saved her life.’

Aimee has not yet addressed the incident on her own social media accounts.