A reader celebrates the success of the PS5 at this month’s and cites it as proof that Sony is still ahead of Microsoft and Nintendo.
As of right now there are no Sony-made PlayStation games currently scheduled for release. God Of War: Ragnarök is supposed to be out this year, but has no date, while we know that Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine won’t be out until at least next year. That’s unusual for Sony, who, more than most publishers, are always happy to announce games long before they come out. That’s caused some people to start to worry, especially as continues to flash its wallet, but I think the recent prove there’s nothing to be concerned about.
Whether the lack of announcements is on purpose or just an accident of their current line-up is hard to guess at. I don’t see how the lack of firm dates benefits Sony so I can only assume that, after a very busy beginning of the year, they just aren’t sure when the next wave is coming out. I think everyone would assume they have more than one game coming out for the rest of this year, but there’s no actual proof of this, official or otherwise.
It certainly is a bit disconcerting and given all the talk of Game Pass at the moment, and the slightly underwhelming , I can see why some fans are starting to lose their nerve. But personally I’m not worried, not when the most important benefits of owning a PlayStation have just been demonstrated by this year’s new games and the Baftas.
In case you missed it, Returnal won four Baftas, including best game, while Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart won two. That’s six awards for PlayStation 5 exclusives, the best performance by any single format and a ringing endorsement of Sony’s games over the last 12 months.
Xbox won as well, with minor awards for Forza Horizon 5 and Psychonauts 2 (best British game and best performer in a supporting role, respectively). I don’t necessarily want to turn this into a PlayStation vs. Xbox thing but the difference is stark.
Especially given that, outside of Bethesda’s Starfield, their line-up is even vaguer, just The Outer Worlds 2 for sometime this year and whenever for everything else. That consists of things like State Of Decay 3, whose developer has just been the subject of and, and Perfect Dark, which just .
Probably the most anticipated Microsoft game at the moment is Fable, which has no date, has not been shown outside of a brief pre-rendered teaser, and yet has been rumoured to be underway for years. That points to serious development problems, just like many of Microsoft’s other games. And, well… it’s Fable. Not exactly the most acclaimed franchise in the world.
There’s a good chance Starfield will be good (even if them not showing any of it yet is getting kind of suspicious) and by the time we get to Christmas Call Of Duty may be a Microsoft franchise, but the line-ups for both consoles remain unclear and obviously still badly affected by the pandemic.
My point is that even with all the problems going on Sony’s consistent quality is clear to see, while even after all the money they’ve spent Microsoft’s first party line-up remains unproven and uncertain. I haven’t even mentioned Nintendo yet because basically they’ve done nothing of note for over a year now. They were nominated for very little at the Baftas and won nothing.
As far as I’m concerned Sony has been proven to be the best games developer currently in the world. Maybe it won’t be that way forever but that is only going to change over a very long period of time, and I certainly wouldn’t bet on it happening at any time. I’m very happy with my PlayStation 5 purchase and I look forward to the next State of Play event.
By reader Fiend
The reader’s feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.
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