Stranger Things season 4: Volume 1 ending and Vecna twist explained
Posted by  badge Boss on May 28, 2022 - 08:51PM
Eleven and the gang were in serious danger (Picture: Courtesy of Netflix)

**Warning: Major season 4 volume 1 spoilers ahead**

finally brought its fourth season to Netflix after a three-year-long wait for fans and here’s everything you need to know . 

Season four is set six months after The Battle of Starcourt, which Eleven and the gang battled at the end of the last series.

Eleven adapting is adapting to her new home in California, in the hope of moving on from the dramatic events of Hawkins – but there’s way more upset to come. 

In the latest instalment, the horror has gone beyond Hawkins with rifts appearing all over the world as , getting a spooky twist to celebrate the return of Stranger Things at events across the globe.

In the opener, it’s hinted Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) is the one responsible for the deaths in the Hawkins Labs, when Ten has visions of a massacre. 

When Dr Brenner (Matthew Modine) investigates, it points to Eleven being responsible, who has literal blood on her hands, is responsible, with Brenner asking: ‘What have you done?’

The gang were given their biggest test yet (Picture: Netflix)

However, in the finale, it’s revealed Eleven was not actually the one behind the bloodbath. Here’s what you need to know about the ending. 

Stranger Things ending explained

Victor Creel in Stranger Things (Credits: Netflix / Avalon)

Season four has really thrown everything at our favourite gang so far, with the ending giving fans even more drama than usual.

It was pretty obvious this fashion was going to follow into the finale, which was casually titled The Massacre at Hawkins Lab.

In a huge twist, it was revealed that rather than villain Vecna visiting Victor Creel’s (Robert Englund) house, he was actually created there.

Peter Ballard (Jamie Campbell Bower) was revealed to be Number One, controlled by Dr Brenner, having been revealed as the one who’d killed the other test subjects. 

Vecna’s identity was revealed (Picture: Netflix)

He’d tricked Eleven into freeing him, where she removed a chip from his neck, where Number One revealed exactly how dangerous he was. 

Sam Owens (Paul Reiser) believes Eleven is in fact the key to stopping Vecna, who is later found to be the only one who was left after the massacre, before turning Number One into Vecna and sending him to the Upside Down.

Steve, badly wounded, doesn’t die and is found by Nancy, Robin, and Eddie, with the group realising the Upside Down is actually stuck in the past.

It’s still November 6, 1983, the day Will disappeared. They pay a visit to Nancy’s house and realise they are able to communicate via electricity with Dustin and the rest of the gang. 

The last scenes, ending on a cliffhanger, reveal that Nancy is stuck in the Upside Down place with Vecna, and Eleven created the gate that started all the Stranger Things around Hawkins when she destroyed Peter/Henry (Vecna).

When does Stranger Things season 4 part 2 come out?

Despite being the , the fourth series is actually the longest yet, with nine episodes across the instalment.

Season four, volume one was released on Friday, May 27, with the first seven episodes landing on Netflix. 

Volume two will follow in just over a month’s time, dropping on July 1.

Will the next part will only feature two episodes, the finale has a movie-length two hours 30 runtime.

This will round up the batch of episodes before the fifth and final season comes next year.

Stranger Things can be streamed in full on Netflix now.