finalist Mollie Pearce has revealed where she and winner Harry Clark stand
With a peak of on Friday night to see how the last roundtable would unfold, the nation was on edge.
But, ultimately, there was only one winner, as Mollie – – finished as runner-up as a Faithful took home £95,150.
Fans screamed at their TVs as Mollie voted to banish Faithful account manager Jaz in the showdown instead of leaving her empty-handed and him quids in.
Mollie swore and stormed out of the room after it was revealed she had been lied to by her close friend in the hit game show, having previously told him she would ‘never speak to him again’ if it was revealed he was a Traitor.
Reflecting on the moment of betrayal after Friday’s final, she said: ‘Obviously, it hurt in the moment as you can see from my reaction, it definitely hurt.
‘I think it was more the guilt of Jaz as well because, obviously, I’d taken Jaz’s experience and he left at the last minute, which wasn’t very nice, so it was more the guilt of that.’
She added: ‘I was upset, but it was a game and I think people forget that is what we have to do. And when you go in there, that money’s never yours anyway. I never thought I was going to get to the final, I never thought I was going to have the money.
‘You know that you’re going to have people that betray you in there, you can’t hold a grudge, you sign yourself up for that game and you have to accept the outcome.’
She revealed she and Harry are doing ‘fine’ now, which fans will be pleased to hear after previously worrying for Mollie given the backlash to her decision in the final.
‘There’s no beef at all with me and Harry, we are the same as we were. And I’m happy for him as well.
‘Watching it back, you can see what a good game he played, he had me totally fooled, and I think he had a lot of people fooled in there.
‘I know, obviously, it focused a lot on our friendship, but there were a lot of other people that were convinced by Harry. It just happened to be me at the end with him.’
Mollie explained that she and Harry saw each other quite soon after the final, which was filmed in September last year, to ‘nip it in the bud’.
Recalling the reunion, she laughed about ‘calling him a name’ and then sharing a big hug.
‘I think in that moment you’ve got to just laugh about it, to be honest, I just said to him, “Fair play”.’
Mollie described as ‘wild’ but insisted she ‘had the best experience’ and doesn’t want the outcome to ‘take away from that.’
In the final banishment vote, Mollie initially chose Harry but then rubbed his name off her chalkboard after she asked him: ‘It’s not you?’ and he confirmed he was not a Traitor, naturally, as a Traitor would.
She said she did consider the doubts that Faithful Jaz and Traitor Andrew raised about Harry, but felt led by her emotions in the moment.
‘I’m quite an emotional person and I think the friendship just took over for me and I just couldn’t do that to him without fully being convinced he was a Traitor, I just would have found that really, really hard,’ she added.
‘Because if he stood up there and said, “I’m a Faithful”, I would have felt so guilty, I think I couldn’t win.
‘I couldn’t have won because I would have felt guilty whatever I did.’
Meanwhile, of his big win, Harry has said that he and Mollie got on so well because of their shared interests.
‘We’re both young and obviously we were both missing our partners, so we would just talk about them all the time and what we would do with the money and where we wanted to go and the things we wanted to do and the things we wanted to see,’ he said.
‘And now, with her partner and my partner, our friendship’s gotten even better because now we’re supporting each other since this whole thing began, this whole craziness, we’ve always been there for each other.’
When asked if he had considered sharing any of the mega prize fund with Mollie, he said he ‘doesn’t even want to think about the money’ but rather give it to his dad and then ‘put it in a bank where I keep adding to it and leave it.’
‘And then next year go somewhere nice and travelling or something like that, and then hopefully do it with Mollie and her fella, that’d be amazing.’
Catch up with The Traitors on BBC iPlayer.