WATCH: Kyle Brandt’s Hype Video For The Buffalo Bills Goes Viral On Social Media: Kyle Brandt, the stylin’, profilin’, Spirit airlines flyin’, Zubaz wearing third-round pick of the Buffalo Bills, brought his ‘A’ game to the 2022 NFL Draft on Friday night. On Friday, Brandt went through his routine of greetings (Good Morning) Football, drove to the Newark airport, and traveled to Las Vegas to announce the Bills’ No. 89 choice in the draft. Brandt, of course, was well-prepared.

Kyle Brandt
Kyle Brandt Buffalo Bills Hype Video
In Zubaz, a Bills jacket, and a Josh Allen t-shirt, he walked to the stage to exasperate everyone in attendance at the draft by announcing that the 3rd round pick he was making would be the only 3rd round pick to win a Super Bowl ring this year.
Terrel Bernard is a talented young linebacker who played for the Baylor Bears last season. Terrel, who weighed 101 kilograms and stood 6 feet 1 inch tall, was a standout performer during his college years. In the 11 games he participated during his freshman season, he had 47 tackles, one sack, and an interception. He was voted first-team all-Big-12 last year after match-winning performances, and he had previously been named 2nd-team all-Big-12 on two occasions.
Buffalo Bills Hype Video Explained by Kyle Brandt
As expected, fans were excited to see if the team would be able to sign Terrel at the 2022 NFL Draft. Terrel was picked in the third round by the mighty Buffalo Bills, much to his joy. But it was Kyle Brandt’s announcement that the Bills were bringing in Bernard that caught everyone’s attention.
Kyle was a high-energy individual. He enraged the crowd by claiming Terrel is the only first-round choice who will win the Super Bowl in his rookie season. “The Super Bowl 57 Champion Buffalo Bills select my man, Terrel Bernard, with the 89th pick in the 2022 NFL draft,” Kyle said. Not only that, but after announcing Terrel’s name, he bit into the chicken wing he was holding. While Kyle may have enraged a few fans and ruffled a few feathers, there is no denying that what he did on stage was a very entertaining performance. Keep an eye on this space for further information.