Readers discuss what they hope will be at Microsoft’s not-E3 show, as well as other potential events from Nintendo and Sony.
The & Bethesda Showcase is due to take place late on Sunday and, at the moment, is the only confirmed style preview event, beyond a Capcom-only livestream on Monday. So we wanted to know what you were hoping to see revealed and what you expect will actually happen.
Most of the letters were written before Thursday evening’s Summer Game Fest, whose reveal of The Last Of Us Part 1 seemed to make a new State of Play seem less likely, but even as the only game in town, few were confident in predicting what Microsoft might or might not show.
No show
The thing I was most looking forward to, and which I thought was an obvious shoe-in, was Fable. Except according to rumours it’s ? What on earth is taking that game so long? Five years and all they’ve managed to make is a pre-rendered trailer?
I could say much the same about Starfield to be honest, although that at least I hope will be there. Companies seem to have gone from one extreme to the other with previews. A few years ago you got a game shoved down your throat for two years or more now you’re lucky if you get a teaser trailer a week before it’s out.
I’m sure there must be a happy medium between these two points and hopefully Microsoft can find it on Sunday. Although to be honest, these kind of showcases have never been their forte. Which means Sony not having one to compare with is actually a really benefit to them, so I hope they take advantage of it.
Keep asking
I’d like to see a new Quake at Bethesda/Microsoft’s event next week. I’m currently playing Doom Eternal again (I swear that game has the best flow state in gaming) and a Quake from id or MachineGames would be great.
It should harken back to the first game, before it was made more generic and sci-fi, with a real gothic, Lovecraftian feel. The fact that Quake 1 was re-released recently gives me some hope and the last game, Quake Champions, wouldn’t be my sort of thing at all. Oh, and my overall wish is F-Zero. I’m going to keep asking until I get it.
Game Pass will be mentioned
I’ve been thinking of getting an Xbox for months now and I’m just waiting for the wow factor. I know they’re going to bring up Game Pass and maybe bring in a family pass, I just hope they don’t bang on about it. The amount of times they go on about Game Pass and really technical stuff, which I haven’t got a clue about.
All I care about is I turn it on, I press a button and I’m playing. I’m not really bothered about add-ons, if I want to play the add-on to a game that’s been out two years I’d have gone out and bought one by now. I just want games, a couple of remasters, but mostly new games, and I mean new and lots of them.
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The big three
As with any of these events what I want more than anything is to be surprised. What I worry about with Microsoft is that they have announced so many games there’s not much room for that.
As well as being surprised though what I definitely don’t want is more Forza, Halo, and Gears Of War. Microsoft really needs to get over those franchises and yet I wouldn’t be surprised if all three are shown in some form.
Microsoft has a lot of interesting things on its plate at the moment but I’m not sure any of them are very close to being finished. I really don’t know what to expect from Sunday and that in itself is quite exciting. I just hope it’s not 90 minutes of Halo Infinite DLC and a Forza 14, or whatever number they’re up to at the moment.
Not appearing in the Xbox Showcase
I’m probably more excited about this month’s Nintendo Direct (that’s still not been announced) than I have been for one in some time. While we have some upcoming Nintendo releases in the next couple of months these have all been announced some time ago. In the absence of a firm Bayonetta 3 release date, currently the only big hitter for the Christmas period is Pokémon. As such it leaves things a lot more open to speculation and guess work.
What I expect to see:
· Bayonetta 3
· Xenoblade Chronicles 3
· Game Boy library added to Nintendo Switch Online
· Metroid Prime remaster
· Mario Kart booster pack 2
· Splatoon 3
· Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
· Advance Wars release news
· Some Ubisoft news (most likely Mario + Rabbids and Just Dance)
· New Switch Sports DLC
· The Mario movie teaser trailer
What I hope to see:
· Mario Party DLC
· Metroid Prime Trilogy remaster
· A ‘new’ Zelda game (either Twilight Princess/The Wind Waker re-remaster or a Oracle Of Ages/Seasons remake)
What I’d love to see but probably won’t happen
· A DMG themed Switch Lite to accompany the Game Boy news (the GBA SP had a NES edition and the new 3DS a SNES edition so it’s not impossible for this to happen – please take my money!)
· That new Donkey Kong game that’s been rumoured for years
· Star Fox Zero Switch Port
· New F-Zero/F-Zero GX remaster
· Resident Evil Revelations 3
· Hollow Knight: Silksong
GC: DMG? As in the model number for the original Game Boy? Wow, that’s obscure.
Hope for the future
My main hope and expectation for Xbox this weekend is just the obvious one: actually seeing what Starfield is like. No more pointless non-gameplay trailers or stalling developer chat that continues to imply nothing’s ready to be shown.
I’m not really bothered about Fable as my limited experience of that series is it’s pretty shallow and thinks its funnier than it actually is, but maybe if they finally show something impressive that’ll change.
I expect there’ll be a non-gameplay trailer for Indiana Jones because they won’t be close to having anything they can show. I’d hope the remainder doesn’t represent Xbox doubling down on Halo, Forza, and Gears, as that’s been their problem for years now.
For PlayStation, I do expect a showcase (not another State of Play) by late July at the latest, but probably sooner because if nothing else they’ll want to keep encouraging people to stay committed to trying to get hold of a PlayStation 5.
I think beyond God Of War: Ragnarök (which I’m keen on but expect to be largely more of the same); there’ll be a release window trailer for Spider-Man 2 (maybe with some gameplay); a narrative one for Wolverine, again with a release window; and the reveal of that remake of The Last Of Us.
To cash in on the Elden Ring hype, I also think there’s a chance they’ll finally announce the Bloodborne remaster for PlayStation 5 and PC.
They’ll also probably say a bunch about VR and reveal a launch window, but I’m still not convinced it’s the right decision to put that out so early in the PlayStation 5’s life while asking for fans to spend hundreds more on hardware and implying a split of focus and development resource that the PlayStation 5 could’ve done without.
I hope Nintendo does have a Direct in June but I’m not sure it’ll have any announcements of 2022 games we don’t already know about. As long as Splatoon 3 and Bayonetta 3 still come out this year, and if they can be convinced to release Advance Wars, I can see them thinking they’ve got enough to get on with and just show more of that stuff.
My best hope is they finally show a good bit of the sequel to Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, with a title and a March release date, maybe shoehorn a Metroid Prime remake or remaster into late 2022 and have at least one big announcement for a 2023 game (possibly a mainline 3D Mario one or finally Metroid Prime 4). Despite fans frequently asking for ports of GameCube and Wii Zelda games I don’t think there’ll be any released this close to the Breath Of The Wild 2.
Most likely for their show, if they have one, it’ll start or end with the trailer for the Mario movie, as I can’t see them holding off on an initial reveal of that for much longer.
Surprise reveal
I’m hoping for some surprises at the Xbox showcase but to be honest I’m not sure what to expect. I’d like to know what Double Fine are working on next, after the success of Psychonauts 2.
I’d also be curious to see why Microsoft bought Compulsion Games, considering the only game they’ve made is We Happy Few and they haven’t announced anything since. The more unexpected their reveals the more happy I’ll be.
Unanswered questions
Beyond Good And Evil 2 news, The Elder Scrolls 6, and Starfield! Can’t be too greedy, but it may be that I’ve selected titles that are to be released way into the distant future. But news is all I need for now, if possible.
Is Beyond Good And Evil 2 going to ever be released? What is Starfield going to be about and what is to be expected in the experience? And what is Elder Scrolls 6 going to look like?
These are key excitements of mine and I would love to know some of the answers to these profound questions! But alas, I would possibly just have to enjoy the show as it is without much of the above explained or shown.
But with the mixed reactions of the previous E3 and with companies showcasing their games through streaming shows I feel the E3 event will be only a shadow of what it once was. Covid lockdown is to blame but some people in the know felt it was past its best and the golden times were over.
Many game publishers are happy to go with their own shows or on one of the main consoles showcases. So I will just go with the flow and enjoy the conference for what it is. Let’s go!
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