A woman has admitted wearing a corset for 16 hours a day for a particular reason, shocking .
The new TLC reality programme, for fans of  and , follows the chiropractor ‘healing patients with and a big sense of humor.’
The trailer already teases patients having their bones cracked and joints popped while they got their bodies twisted into what appear to be extreme positions, but a preview for an upcoming episode takes things one step further.
Sarah, 47, enters Dr Colón’s practice and reveals that she wears a tiny corset.
The visual artist explains: ‘I have experienced migraines for most of my adult life, and have been relying on rescue medications since 2012.’
She goes on to say that she doesn’t want to ‘rely’ on the prescribed medications that are there to help the pain once she’s begun having migraines.

Dr Colón later tells the camera: ‘Oftentimes, chiropractic will be used for intervention with migraines for a lot of reasons, for making sure that the blood flow is being restored, circulation is being restored.’
But the medical professional gets a bit of a shock when she hears about Sarah’s pain.
‘I’ve always had tightness in my jaw and neck, the migraine tends to come on with neck pain at the same time.
‘I would describe it as an ice pick headache, it’s a very sharp, very concentrated pain in one spot.’
She then drops in: ‘I wear a corset.’

Describing it as a ‘modern, steel-boned, waist-training’ corset, Sarah reveals she wears it for a shocking 16 hours a day.
Dr Colón tells the camera: ‘From a doctor’s perspective, there’s no way that you can’t think like, atrophy, weakness, how is that hindering the body?’
She questions Sarah: ‘Is there a rationale for this?’
And Sarah does in fact have a reason, admitting that she’s pursuing a Guinness World Record.
‘The living Guinness World Record for the smallest corseted waste is 15-inches, and I am down to regularly wearing a comfortable 16 inches.’

As Sarah shows her corset to Dr Colón, the doctor admits she had no idea what to think.
‘I’ve never done anything like this.
‘Where the heck are her organs?!’
Crack Addicts will air on TLC in America from May 24.