The fittingly named Confusle is a Wordle clone that lies to you about your answers, but it’s not as unfair as it sounds.
We’ve seen plenty of efforts to try and make Wordle more challenging, whether it’s by having you solve several puzzles at once ( and others) or by constantly changing the answer ().
The latest attempt, titled Confusle, is appropriately named as it works somewhat similar to Absurdle. Except instead of swapping out its answer each time, the word stays the same and the game simply lies to you about your guesses.
By this point, we all know how Wordle works. You have six attempts to guess a hidden word and with each guess, divided into rows, you’re told which letters are in the right place and which aren’t in the word at all.
In Confusle, each row will contain one, and only one, lie. So, you can’t wholly rely on the results of your last guess for your next attempt. Your one correct letter could actually be in the wrong place or not even part of the word.
At first, it may sound impossible to win at Confusle, but its creator has attempted to keep things fair despite the dishonesty.
For starters, you have a lot more attempts at figuring out the word than classic Wordle: eight instead of five.
Also, by default, the game will eventually tell you where the lies are. For example, let’s say your first guess is ‘ARISE’ and the game tells you none of the letters are correct except for the ‘E,’ which is in the right place.
You assume that’s true and enter your second guess, ‘BLOKE.’ Once you do that, the ‘E’ in your first guess turns red, informing you that that’s a lie and there is no ‘E’ in the space.
Each subsequent guess reveals a lie from the last one, which can help narrow down which letters go where.
If you learn better by doing, then you can play the game yourself via . However, its creator, , recommends you play it on hard mode since that hides the lies.
It’s interesting how there are people interested in making Wordle harder than it is considering how displeased others have been about the game supposedly becoming too difficult. To the point where more and more players are .
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