Courtney Love has revealed once saved her life by giving her CPR when she overdosed on drugs.
The singer, 57, shared a video also voicing her sympathy for amid the pair’s libel trial.
She revealed in a clip shared to her friend Jessica Reed Kraus’s Instagram that he had helped save her life and support her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, during her darkest time.
Love explained: ‘I don’t really wanna make judgments publicly, but I just want to tell you that Johnny gave me CPR in 1995 when I overdosed outside the Viper Room with Sal.
‘Johnny, when I was on crack and Frances was having to suffer through that with social workers, wrote her a four-page letter that she’s never showed me on her 13th birthday. He didn’t really know me.
‘Then he sent limos to her school when the social workers were crawling around – again, unasked – for her and all of her friends.’
She added: ‘You know, she said to me when she was 13, “mama, he saved my life”. And she said it again.’
Addressing , Love shared her sympathy, adding: ‘Lastly, I’ve been the most hated woman in America, I’ve been the most hated woman in the world before TikTok and it’s a really… I have a lot of empathy for what that must feel like for Amber. F**k man, wow, can you imagine being her?’
Love later addressed and clarified her comments on her own account as she added: ‘I want to show neutral support for a friend. I don’t want to bully.

‘I’ve been bullied enough. I did not want to express my own bias / internalised misogyny. (Do give me a break on that one. Look at my JOB! I’m working on it) I want nothing to do with contributing more online bullying to someone enduring being bullied like no-one ever has been online. Ever.
‘In my program of recovery, “when we were wrong, we promptly admitted it”. I was wrong.
‘The only important takeaway, of what was posted, is that I expressed that we should all stop having “fun with schadenfraude” (look it up: “Delight in another’s down fall”) & show sincere empathy for both parties. If I hurt anyone, please accept my amends.’
Depp has brought the current court case against Heard, suing her for $50million (£40million) after claiming she defamed him in a 2018 op-ed stating she was the survivor of domestic abuse.
The actor was not named in the article and Heard is countersuing. The trial continues.