explained why he wants to leave a huge chunk of his money to his pet dog – and it isn’t exactly because he’s head over heels in puppy love.
The 45-year-old EastEnders star revealed that he was gifting his pooch ‘half a million in his will’ in a bid to wind up his childhood sweetheart wife Joanne Mas.
They tied the knot in 2016 and Danny is reportedly worth an estimated £4million – some of which he joked would become his dog’s when he died.
Chatting during a recent interview, the star playfully suggested he was going to give his bulldog ‘a nice chunk’ of his money to cheer her up because she ‘looks sad all the time.’
The famous soap star told host Kathy Burke on her show Where There’s A Will, There’s A Wake, what he would do with his estate when he was no longer around to oversee it.
He said: ‘Most of my kids and my family will get a nice chunk – but I’d also like to leave a nice chunk to my dog Debbie.
‘I feel I need to give her something or get some proper carers for her, give her a flat with a carpet. Give her whatever she wants out of guilt.
‘Also, it would wind my missus up. She’d be like, “You’ve given f***ing half a million pounds to f***ing Debbie?”‘
He noted that the wrinkles on the animals face gave her a sombre look that he wanted to combat as she ‘looks f***ing sad all the time’.
During the same talk, the star turned his and admitted he wanted to ‘kill’ the figure.
Explaining how he would go about it, Danny shared: ‘I would like to die a f***king hero, I’ll kill Putin.
‘So my last act is Putin f***king doing one of his little marches, he’s walking through all these f***king troops and all that bollocks.
‘I’ll f***king run out of the crowd with a f***king pillowcase, put it over his nut and just suffocate him.
‘‘Then, as I do it, I’ll get shot in a nut by all these snipers. So, basically, I’ve saved the f***king world. The planet.’
is available to listen to on all podcast platforms.