This week could be a big one for PlayStation according to the latest rumours, with Sony maybe even bringing back Knack.
At the end of last week, reports began to emerge up that Sony is finally preparing to announce its alternative to Game Pass, , as early as this week. Now, it’s suspected that that might not be the only thing Sony has up its sleeve.
Kinda Funny co-founder recently tweeted that he is delaying a recording of this week’s PS I Love You XOXO, Kinda Funny’s PlayStation podcast, because of multiple rumours that he clearly believes are real.
‘Man, looking like it might be a VERY interesting week for PlayStation if even one of the three rumours I’ve heard is true,’ he wrote.
One of them is no doubt the aforementioned Project Spartacus. Word of it broke and there has been mounting evidence to suggest that a PlayStation Game Pass is happening.
Miller doesn’t specify what any of the rumours actually are, but it’s possible that Sony has another State of Play on the cards. There was talk of a big presentation happening this month, but apparently some due to the Ukraine-Russia war.
Sony never officially commented on this but, so far, we’ve seen two much shorter State of Plays: one for and one focused entirely on .
This could imply that Sony decided to split its March presentation across multiple events, so it wouldn’t be too surprising if there was at least one more, perhaps centred around its first party games.
Speaking of, it’s recently been discovered that Sony filed a new trademark in Japan for one of its seemingly abandoned franchises, starring a platformer mascot that many (well, some – well, probably not many) are eager to see make a return. If you think we’re describing , you’re wrong, it’s actually .
Spotted by Gematsu, was only published earlier today but was filed over a week ago on March 17. Trademarks rarely confirm a new game’s existence and are usually done so companies can retain the rights to a property, but this hasn’t stopped some people thinking Knack 3 will be announced.
The first Knack launched as one of the PlayStation 4’s very first games in 2013 and was an attempt to create a new platforming mascot for Sony, akin to Crash Bandicoot. It was even directed by PlayStation 4 architect Mark Cerny, who used to be a producer on the Crash series.
It received mixed reviews and was widely mocked for its low tech graphics, which did little to show off the capabilities of the new console, as well as it’s peculiarly unappealing art style and simplistic gameplay. Likely because of Cerny’s involvement, there was a but it was barely any better received.
The franchise has since gone on to become something of an in-joke with PlayStation fans, although the problem with making a third game is that the series’ developer technically doesn’t exist anymore. Knack was one of many games from , which Sony effectively gutted last year and merged into Team Asobi.
Team Asobi could theoretically helm a Knack 3 but the same studio is also responsible for another platforming mascot, , whose games have been far more successful critically. Although if Cerny ever wanted to make Knack 3, he no doubt has enough pull at Sony to make it happen.
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