Former Knights Of The Old Republic director Casey Hudson has announced a new game that looks very similar to .
In theory, things are looking up for Mass Effect fans at the moment. The was a hit and BioWare are working on a new game, but still almost nothing has been seen of it and apparently it’s still .
The new Mass Effect will have to do without original co-creator and director Case Hudson who, although he’s left and returned to BioWare once already, has now established his own company called Humanoid Studios – which has just updated with info on its first game.
Unsurprisingly, it’s already looking and sounding more than a little Mass Effect-esque, with the website describing it as a ‘multi-platform AAA game, focusing on character-driven narrative in an all-new science-fiction universe’.
The new game doesn’t have a name yet but looking at the concept art you could easily be fooled into believing it was from Mass Effect 4.
That raises the question of why Hudson left BioWare if he was going to end up making a very similar game anyway, but apart from being his own boss there’s no indication yet of how the game plays, and no confirmation that it is another action role-player.
‘We believe in the power of small, agile teams, and a flat organisational structure, where everyone is empowered to make decisions and help drive the project vision,’ says the website. Which, given they’re a subsidiary of EA, is probably not how BioWare works.
There’s no indication of when the unnamed new game will be released but considering the major roles the website is still advertising jobs for it’s not going to be for a long while yet.

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