Posted by  badge Boss on Apr 13, 2022 - 09:43PM

Good evening everyone multiple controversial scenarios are available on the Internet that is going viral. A similar video of Aika Robredo is currently gathering the attention of online individuals. So she has been posting really vulgar and disappointing things on the internet for a really long time and down the users are supporting our mistakes. She is trying to become a famous online content creator but using illegal and disturbing videos to achieve such feats. So recently so she was shockingly spotted with the presidential candidate and after the whole incident, the sportsperson of the presidential candidate has to step in a predefined. Stay tuned to our website for more latest updates!!!

Who Is Aika Robredo?

Allegedly there was a fake sex video to harm the reputation and these things are continuously happening in politics. But later it was confirmed the online quality is that there is no such confirmation on the presence of the individual in the video and it was just a social media stunt. A politician can do anything to win an election and he is spending millions of dollars. This is not the first time that we have seen some really human acts to win elections and we have seen a similar thing happening in Pakistan.

Aika Robredo Video Fake News Went Viral On Twitter

It is really shameful for such politicians to use the power of social media and turned the viewers and audience against the favorable competitor. Online crime has seen a major rise in the last few years and after the introduction of deepfakes, we cannot even tell the legitimacy of any video by just looking at it. It is becoming a more and more miserable situation for famous personalities and they are becoming really frustrated.

Aika Robredo: Instagram, Age, Wikipedia

We hope that such incidents will be avoided and everyone will be aware of the responsibilities as they are representing the people. Reportedly this incident happened in Singapore. We don’t have a lot of information regarding this incident and the name of candidates are being kept secret to avoid an unfair advantage by spoiling the reputation. For more informative updates and entertaining news from all over the world stay tuned to our website.