To all you fans of UK who are keeping your eyes peeled for giveaway clues, you might want to take a closer look at …
Last week on the programme, Bubble Tea was eliminated from the competition, revealing Absolutely Fabulous star behind the mask.
The following day when she was being interviewed on , co-host that he might also be one of the secret celebrities taking part.
During a recent chat with , Metro.co.uk asked him whether there are any particular costumes that feature hidden Easter Egg clues pointing to the singers’ identities, such as and ’s outfits in previous series.
Out of all of this year’s creations, he disclosed that Dippy Egg might be one to inspect in greater detail… and if we’re piecing two and two together correctly, this reveal could back up the theory that chef Simon did actually make an unintentional leak.
When asked if there were any secret signs on the costumes that viewers should look out for, Tim replied: ‘I don’t know that there are this time around. I can’t think of us actually putting any major clues into the costumes.

‘I can’t think of anything that I was specifically asked to include in the costumes that I thought, “That’s definitely a clue.” There are always little changes along the way that the producers request that may be to do with clues.
‘So there may be details in the costume on Piranha or there might be something to do with the suit of Owl, the blazer or something. I don’t know, but I am absolutely unaware of any particular Easter Eggs that we’ve put in this time round. Well, except Dippy Egg.’
Except Dippy Egg, eh?
We had another glance at the contestant’s costume to see if there was anything that shouted ‘massive clue’ to us, from the fact that there are 10 stripes on their egg cup ensemble, and they have a piece of cutlery sticking out of their head.
Therefore, the only thing that we would guess is the intentional clue that Plunge Creations managing director Tim was speaking of when he brought up Dippy Egg is the fact that the singer has a food-related look.
If we were to be even more specific, you might even say it’s a brunch-related costume. A Sunday Brunch-related costume…
So it looks to us as though was not a joke, but possibly a genuine mistake.
He had said on the Channel 4 programme: ‘I always assumed that you picked your own costumes. Because I know with me as Dippy… ooh!’
He then stopped, covering his mouth with his hand as Julia looked equally shocked.
Of course, we’ll have to wait for Dippy Egg’s mask to come off before it’s confirmed if we’re barking up the right tree!
When it came to designing Dippy Egg’s costume, Tim outlined how they had intentionally been trying to come up with something that looked more like a cartoon.
‘Dippy Egg was a later addition. We wanted something that just looked stupid and much more cartoony than some of the others,’ he shared.
Comparing the character to someone like Dionne Warwick’s Weather who looked ‘really beautiful and elegant’, he continued: ‘That’s the point. We need that mix. You want a range of different costumes and you need them to have different energies on stage, almost sometimes to suit the performer and other times to actually throw people off the scent.’
He explained how in some cases, the celebrities ‘feel at home’ as their characters straight away and are immediately able to ‘bring the costumes to life’.
‘There’s no telling where those people are gonna come from, you don’t know whether they’re going to be sports people, stage or screen stars, classical singers, you don’t know who they’re going to be. Some of them just get in their costumes and they know who they are from the get-go and that character just bounces out the screen.’
The Masked Singer UK returns tonight at 7pm on ITV1 and ITVX.