Julia Zwicker, a mother of two from Nova Scotia, recently gained notoriety after a video of her abusing her kid appeared online.
Any intentional harm or mistreatment of a kid under the age of 18 is considered child abuse. Child abuse can take many different forms and happen all at once.
Emotional abuse occurs when a child’s well-being or self-esteem is violated. In addition to verbal and emotional abuse, such as repeatedly demeaning or berating a kid, it also includes isolating, dismissing, or rejecting a youngster.
In the viral video, Julia Zwicker verbally and emotionally attacks one of the girls. She spoke to her daughter inanely and crudely.

Julia Zwicker
Who Is Julia Zwicker? Nova Scotia Mom’s Daughter Abuse Video Surfaces On Twitter
After a video of a TikTok user from Nova Scotia abusing her daughter leaked online, Julia Zwicker, a mother of two daughters, caught people’s attention.
She is abusively screaming and shouting at her daughter in the video while using nasty language. Unknown person(s) recorded the video.
The video has infuriated online users, who have urged the relevant authorities to look into the event. Some supporters even called for the mother’s incarceration.
Julia Zwickaer’s Instagram Clips Explored
Instagram has taken down the initial abuse video of Julia Zwicker. The video is still accessible on Twitter and TikTok, though.
a user of twitter stated, “I am very outraged after seeing the video of Julia Zwicker assaulting her daughter. I just want to let you know that some of the “mothers” in Scotland are complete scum, and you should be punished.”
After the abuse video went public on social media, Julia has been under fire for her behavior. Some users demand that the child be taken away from the mother by the relevant authorities.
Go Fund Me For Julia Zwicker’s Daughter
There are also rumors that Julia Zwicker’s daughter will have a GoFundMe account where everyone in the globe may donate money to help the daughter who has been mistreated.
The TikTok username of Julia Zwicker is @juliazwickerxox. On the well-known video-sharing website, she now has over 3.6k followers and 25.9k likes.
Additionally, she has a large number of videos on YouTube about her two girls and her pregnancies. Although she does not appear to be an abusive mother based on her Instagram profile, a recent viral video paints a different picture.