One of the biggest trials of the last few years has been a massive source of income for stars and it’s not gone unnoticed.
Streamers and creators from both ’s Twitch and Google’s YouTube have found themselves receiving flak for their weeks’ worth of content based around the and trial.
Twitch stars like Asmongold and xQc, alongside YouTubers such as Ludwig, streamed their live reactions to the defamation case. The various creators who got themselves involved ended up with record-breaking watch times and donations during a grim case.
Asmongold has now topped out the current list of most viewed on Twitch, with a whopping 12 million hours consumed in total by his viewership, since he began streaming the court case.
How much money has Asmongold made from the Depp v Heard trial?
However, with the viewership figures, Asmongold has gained an astronomical amount of subscribers and followers. The following exploration into numbers doesn’t count the advertising revenue that Asmongold has received.
Using , a website dedicated to cataloguing the entirety of Twitch users’ ins and outs, Asmongold earnt, through the first six days of June – with the case ending on June 1 – a staggering 10,261 subscribers. A majority tuned in specifically on June 1.
While around 5,319 of them were Amazon Prime subscriptions, which earns a streamer $2.50 (Amazon gives every prime subscriber a ‘free’ subscription for Twitch) this means he earnt an estimated $13,297.50 since June 1.
In June alone, Asmongold has seen 3,395 new viewers subscribe, paying at least $4.99 each. This comes to an estimated $16,941 before taxes, with seven opting to pay $9.99 and 10 paying $24.99 for a higher tier subscription.
During the height of the trial in May, Asmongold saw his subscriptions reach the highest they’ve been in one month since July 2021, with a total of 35,274 deciding to subscribe across the board.
In his stream that covered the verdict of the case, Asmongold was getting nearly 2,000 followers per hour on average, totalling 17,821 by the time he was done with his 10-hour stream – which also included a new World Of Warcraft patch.
Streamer reactions to Depp v Heard criticism
Ludwig, known for his outspoken nature on other streamers, has responded to criticism from his audience and others. On his ‘Mogul Mail’ channel, he stated that ‘selfishly, I did grow from this’.
His video goes into detail about how much he grew his channel using the trial as content, with a total of 85,000 concurrent viewers coming through during the peak.
‘This is said to look at for me, this is embarrassing’ Ludwig goes on to say, as he states that these low effort streams, where he’s just watching and reacting to the trial, have completely demolished his previous records, that had considerably more money and production effort put into them.
xQc saw 150,000 concurrent viewers and surprisingly has remained quiet about the criticism of such a large channel covering a delicate case like this. He has, however, quote-tweeted Amber Heard’s statement on Twitter to his 1.3 million followers, telling her to take ‘the L’.
Pokimane also streamed the trial and peaked at 39,000 viewers during the verdict reading. Her reactions during the trial caused her to delete a tweet mocking the abuse allegations from Amber Heard. She also used the term ‘watch party’ when inviting people to come to watch her stream around the trial.
Backlash from the industry on Depp vs Heard Twitch meta
Streaming of the court case has caused complaints from some viewers, for turning a serious issue, that will have a material effect on other victims in the future, into a sideshow, with already rich streamers profiting from the misery it creates.
Journalist covered the new ‘meta’ and as pointed out by some he spoke to, the whole trial was being played for entertainment by certain people actually in the courtroom to gain favour in the eyes of the public.
Meanwhile, streamer , a notable left-wing political content creator, has for other streamers reacting to the trial as they would to viral videos and trailers.
Twitter users have also taken to the platform to express their disgust, with some now wondering where the next proverbial meal ticket will come from. Asmongold has recently begun spending lots of money on Diablo Immortal, while xQc has taken a deal from Stake for gambling on stream.
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